Above all, the Hotel du Continent loves the journey, the broadening of the mind, the change of scenery and, of course, the wealth of experience that travel brings. So, it’s a no-brainer that we love to maintain links with our guests via the social networks. For Valentine's Day, we even organise a contest!


The Valentine's Day competition

Until February 12th, you can participate in our fun competition by following the accounts @pariscityvision and @hotelducontinent. Simply tag your valentine under the post describing the contest. Don’t forget to mention that you want to sleep in one of our welcoming rooms at the Hotel du Continent. Who knows? Cupid's arrow may well bring you luck!


A night at the Hotel du Continent

With its decor entirely designed by the immensely talented Christian Lacroix, our establishment invites you to enjoy a delightful romantic getaway. Depending on the floor chosen, you can imagine discovering the Victoria Falls, dozing in the trade winds, being gently lulled by the perfumes of China, exploring the desert on a camel... Each room is an aesthetic adventure. Then, we’ll see you the next morning for a breakfast full of flavour and energy! A wonderful and original way to experience Valentine's Day.

Follow the Hotel du Continent on social networks and take part in our Valentine's Day competition on our Instagram account. You may win a night at the Hotel du Continent...



For more information:

- Instagram Account of Hotel du Continent

Hotel du Continent, a charming hotel in the heart of Paris